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ADDITIVE MASTOPLASTY –       Is breastfeeding allowed after the procedure? In the majority of cases breastfeeding is possible. The prostheses do not interfere, in any way, with breastfeeding, due to their position. As a matter of fact, they are placed under the muscle, under the mammary gland, and have no impact on it. In rare cases breastfeeding is [...]


Listen to the advice of Dr. Stefanos Vourtsis, Plastic Surgeon based in Milan


Today the mirror is not an enemy anymore but rather an excellent counsellor. Questioned without the weight and influence of pointless complexes, it can actually help us understand how to solve or attenuate minor aesthetic blemishes or genuine defects. […]

Listen to the advice of Dr. Stefanos Vourtsis, Plastic Surgeon based in Milan2017-07-06T09:36:10+00:00