Dr. Vourtisis answers the questions of Vero Salute readers

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An attractive “B-side”… how can we improve the shape and volume of buttocks?

Daniela, Rome
Buttocks are quite a complicate anatomical region to manage. The loss of roundness generally depends on a combination of two factors, namely the lack of adipose tissue and/or sagging skin muscles. There are many techniques that can improve the shape, ranging from simple filling with hyaluronic acid gel to autologous transplantation of fat, the insertion of silicone prostheses, and cutaneous and/or muscular lifting. The choice of technique depends on the initial situation of each patient.

Touching up after lifting…
Dear Dr. Vourtsis, is it true that the effects of lifting are short lasting with the subsequent need to resubmit to the procedure either once or repeatedly because “everything collapses”?
Thank you in advance for your answer. Kind regards.

Gaia, Bologna
You must always distinguish the type of lifting. Skin lifting performed alone has a tendency to sag very rapidly, even in a few weeks. If, instead, the tissue under the skin is repositioned (SMAS, superficial aponeurotic muscle system), the beneficial effects can be long lasting. The SMAS is a sort of stocking that covers the entire face under the cutaneous layer. It sags and drags down the skin too. This is why in-depth correction is essential. But to be frank, one touch up procedure after years is quite probable. “If everything collapses” is perhaps an exaggeration; “everything sags” is more realistic. It is important to know how to slow down the sagging and even to correct it.


What happens if I don’t like the result?
I have always wanted to submit to rhinoplasty but I am afraid that I might not recognise myself and not be myself anymore…
Doctor, what can I do?
Nadia, Milan

I think this fear is justified. The nose occupies a central place in the face and every change has a strong impact on one’s image.
This fear can be overcome by discussing and analysing, with the surgeon, all aspects of rhinoplasty procedures and the improvement that can be obtained. Computer simulations can be very useful. Digital graphics are especially useful to understand the surgeon’s project, and they help the patient to form an idea about how his or her profile can change. But we must not forget that a simulation is not a “promise” of a specific nose because the biological factors involved are partly unpredictable. If the fear of not recognising oneself is very strong and borders on panic, rhinoplasty and cosmetic surgery should generally be avoided. The risk of a disappointment is very high.

I remain at your disposal.
Kind regards.


Dear Doctor, is blepharoplasty, surgery to rejuvenate the eyelids, dangerous for the eyes?
Thank you in advance for your answer. Kind regards.
Tiziana, Sassari

Is blepharoplasty harmful for the eyes? Eyelids have an important protective and lubricant function for the eyes. Blepharoplasty is corrective surgery that envisages removal of excessive skin and of adipose tissue that has a tendency to project outwards, forming bags under the eyes. If you comply with some basic rules, surgery does not entail any risk for the eyes. Instead, special attention must be paid to elderly patients or to patients with eye diseases. In such cases, the delicate oculopalpebral balance might be impaired with several subsequent problems, such as round eye, dry eye, exposure of the sclera and of the conjunctiva, keratoconjunctivitis, etc. I remain at your disposal. Kind regards.