There are various types of ear deformities and each of them must be treated in a different manner. Otoplasty is performed to correct excessive projection of the ears, placing them in a more normal position and thus making them less evident. Moreover, earlobe deformities can be corrected by modelling the cartilage.

Despite being given little consideration very often, even ears play an important role in defining the overall image of a face. It would be ideal if they were small (or anyhow medium-sized), well defined and proportionate. To help those who, despite not having ‘naturally perfect ears’, wish to easily wear their hair in a bun or ponytail or have a short trendy haircut, otoplasty is the solution for all blemishes associated with the earlobe.

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This procedure allows to eliminate the most common ‘defect’ of the ear, namely the well-known ‘sticky-out ears’, and even malformations. In the first case the problem, namely excessive projection of the earlobe, is corrected by surgically ‘repositioning’ it, while any deformities can be solved with excellent results through cartilage remodelling.


Surgery, which can be performed under local or general anaesthesia according to the patient’s conditions of health and age, can take one or two hours, is not painful and has absolutely no impact on hearing. During surgery, an incision is performed on the posterior fascia of the ear to allow removal of a small skin flap. Cartilage is then exposed and remodelled to improve its configuration and facilitate its right placement.

At the end of surgery, a medication is applied (resembling a turban) to protect the operated area and limit any swelling. Until the bandage is removed by a doctor after 3-4 days, it is advisable not to wash the hair nor to treat it in any way. During convalescence, the patient is advised to wear a band around the head for about one month, only at night, to protect the ears during sleep. The sutures will disappear spontaneously with abundant washes.

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Useful tips

Postoperative recovery is rapid. After a day’s rest, the patient can gradually start driving and performing normal activities again. Exposure to sunlight and/or to UV lamps should be after 2 weeks, while sports are best performed after about fifteen days have elapsed. The above does not apply to external activities or very challenging activities, which can only be performed after a few additional weeks (5-6 weeks).

Some advice

The ears must not be exposed to sudden intense temperature changes and to temperatures that are either too cold or too hot for about one month after surgery to avoid stressing the area concerned by surgery.